South America on the GS
Preparation, Paperwork and Transport
November 5, 2011, 16:35
The decision between renting a bike or ship the own bike to south America was rather easy. The rental bike was pricewise equal if you have a three week trip. For 2 1/2 month the own bike is "cheaper".

The Shipment was organized by

and the

The wooden transport box was found - as a used one - on the

On the return of the summer vacation I took the box from Erding to Franconia to fit my bike in it.

(the left bike is mine)

3rd party insurance:
For outside the good old Europe the 3rd party insurance does not work. As some of the countries request a insurance police I found Gisela María Speiser in the Internet. The company she works for does Insurance contracts. The price is reasonable and much cheaper than the penalty from the Argentinean police.

If you are looking for a insurance:
You can communicate with Gisela in German as well...

More or less - right now - all is done. So all I have to do is look for my Ship if it will be in Valparaiso when I am there.

A special thanks to the WEBSITE here the amount of informations is unbelievable but as in most of the forums - you have to find the info first.


To ensure that nobody speaks Spanish to us I marked the wind shield

Because sometimes the local police request a fire extinguisher according to the "Ley Nacional de Transito # 24.449" it might be helpful to have a translation with you...